Alumni Association
Upon graduation, all Johnnies become part of the St. John’s College Alumni Association. The Alumni Association is an independent group that works closely with the college to increase opportunities for alumni engagement.
The association’s mission is to support alumni and the college by fostering fellowship and mutually beneficial connections among alumni, current students, faculty, and other members of the college community. The Alumni Association has a board of directors, elected by and from the alumni body, and multiple volunteer working groups. Volunteers create the foundation of the association’s success by lending their time, energy, and expertise in support of the college’s programs and principles. Some volunteer commitments are large and others are quite flexible.
Alumni Association Annual Report
A full account of our activities can be found in the Annual Report. I am proud of what the 19 of us serving on the board have accomplished this past year, and with your help, we can do even more in the year to come. As part of the strategic plan, we are expanding the composition of our working groups beyond board members to include more alumni volunteers with relevant expertise.
St. John’s College Alumni Association 2025 All-Alumni Meeting & Election Reminder
The board of the St. John’s College Alumni Association invites you to join us for the All-Alumni Annual Meeting on Sunday, September 14, 2025. This meeting is open to all alumni, students, faculty, and staff.
Immediately following the All-Alumni Meeting there will be a farewell brunch on campus co-hosted by the association and the college. All alumni and meeting attendees are welcome! To learn more about Sante Fe Homecoming, visit
Voting will be available in advance online or in-person during the Annual Meeting. More information will be available as we get closer to the respective Homecoming events.
Please email alumni.association(at) for any other questions related to this election, the All-Alumni Meeting, and farewell brunch.